Dr. Kellon Joramu Bubb | About
Dr. Kellon Joramu Bubb, a native of Pomme Rose, Grenada is an Associate Professor of Communication studies at Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland. He is also a 2021 Yale Edward Bouchet Scholar. The Edward Bouchet Honor society recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement among minority scholars. The Edward Bouchet honor society also promotes diversity and excellence in doctoral education and the professoriate. I also won a top paper award at the 2021 Eastern Communication Association Conference and has represented Howard University at several regional and international conferences. Bubb is also in the process of co-authoring his first book titled, African Media Industries in the Era of Digitization and Globalization, which focuses on African media digitization and democratization in the 21st century.
His doctorate is in Communications Culture and Medis Studies with a concentration in Climate Change communication. His research focuses specifically on the health impacts of climate change on communities of color and developing countries in the global south. He uses a diverse range of qualitative and quantitative research approaches to understand how traditionally marginalized, and under-represented groups make sense of the health impacts of climate change in their communities. Bubb’s academic interests also include development communication, the political economy of media, and exploring mainstream media representations of people of African descent in the Black Atlantic.
Dr. Bubb is also a media and communications consultant with expertise in strategic communications, and digital journalism content creation. Dr. Bubb has more than 20 years of experience in print, broadcast and digital journalism. He is a believer in the Orisha faith and is the host of the weekly Sunday digital podcast, the Bubb Report.